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Unit 5 Principles and Applications of Science II assignment answer UK

This unit expands upon and reinforces key science concepts introduced in Unit 1: Principles and Applications of Science I, preparing you for real-world science and related industry applications. The characteristics, applications, and synthesis of inorganic compounds; the structures and reactions of organic compounds; enthalpy changes; the functions of the urinary and cardiovascular systems; cell transport mechanisms; thermal physics; material properties; and fluid dynamics are among the subjects covered. Comprehending these ideas is essential for scientists working in areas such as materials science, engineering, and medicine as well as chemists optimizing chemical processes. This information serves as a strong basis for additional research in applied science, higher education, and other fields relating to science.

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Task 1: Properties and Uses of Substances

Objective: Explore the chemical properties, uses, and production methods of substances.

  1. Chemical Properties Exploration

    • Research and describe the amphoteric character of alumina and the basic properties of metal oxides and hydroxides.
    • Discuss factors influencing the ease of electrolysis in different substances.
  2. Practical Applications

    • Investigate the use of Ca(OH)₂ in acidic effluent treatment and its effectiveness.
    • Analyze the role of transition metals and their oxides as catalysts in industrial processes, citing examples like vanadium (V) oxide in the contact process and iron in the Haber process.
    • Examine the uses of alumina in refractories and its advantages.
  3. Production Methods

    • Explain the purification, extraction, and manufacturing processes for alumina from bauxite, titanium from its ore, and aluminum from alumina via the Hall–Héroult process.
    • Compare different electrolysis methods such as diaphragm cell and membrane cell in the production of sodium hydroxide, hydrogen, and chlorine from brine.

Task 2: Structures, Reactions, and Properties of Organic Compounds

Objective: Understand the structures, reactions, and properties of commercially important organic compounds.

  1. Organic Compound Structures

    • Define straight-chain, branched, and cyclic alkanes and alkenes, including their isomers.
    • Illustrate general formulae and IUPAC nomenclature for alkanes and alkenes.
  2. Structural Representations

    • Differentiate between full (displayed), skeletal, and 3D representations using wedge/dashed line diagrams.
    • Analyze symmetric and asymmetric alkenes and their implications in chemical reactions.
  3. Chemical Bonding and Properties

    • Explain sigma and pi-bonding in alkanes and alkenes, discussing their hybridization and bond characteristics (angles, lengths, strengths).
    • Investigate the increase in boiling point with chain length and intermolecular forces of attraction in hydrocarbons.
  4. Reactions of Commercial Importance

    • Study mechanisms such as free radical substitution in alkanes and electrophilic addition reactions in alkenes.
    • Evaluate the industrial significance of reactions like polymerization of alkenes and the hydration of ethene.

Task 3: Energy Changes in Industry

Objective: Analyze energy changes and their applications in industrial processes.

  1. Fundamental Concepts

    • Define enthalpy change (∆H = ∆U + p∆V) and its significance in chemical reactions.
    • Discuss standard conditions (1 × 10⁵ Pa, 298 K, per mole) and their role in enthalpy calculations.
  2. Standard Enthalpy Change

    • Understand ΔH° and its units (kJ mol⁻¹), interpreting exothermic and endothermic reactions.
    • Examine reaction profiles and their implications in industrial settings.
  3. Measurement and Calculation

    • Apply specific heat capacity concepts to measure enthalpy changes.
    • Calculate enthalpy changes using given data and standard formulas.

Task 4: The Cardiovascular System

Objective: Investigate the structure, function, and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

  1. Anatomy and Function

    • Describe the structure of the heart, including chambers (atria, ventricles), valves, and major blood vessels (aorta, pulmonary vein, artery).
    • Explain the cardiac cycle phases (atrial and ventricular systole, diastole) and their significance.
  2. Electrocardiograms (ECG)

    • Analyze ECG traces (PQRST points) and their diagnostic importance.
    • Identify common arrhythmias and their implications.
  3. Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

    • Discuss risk factors contributing to CVD, including genetics, diet, and lifestyle.
    • Evaluate treatment options such as medication (antihypertensives, statins) and surgical interventions (transplantation).

Task 5: Ventilation and Gas Exchange in the Lungs

Objective: Explore the mechanics and efficiency of respiratory processes.

  1. Respiratory Anatomy

    • Outline the structure of the respiratory system, including the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli.
    • Explain the role of muscles (intercostal and diaphragm) and pleural membranes in ventilation.
  2. Gas Exchange Mechanisms

    • Discuss principles facilitating efficient gas exchange in the lungs (diffusion gradients, alveolar structure).
    • Analyze spirometer readings (tidal volume, vital capacity) and their significance in assessing lung function.
  3. Impact of Exercise

    • Investigate the effects of exercise on respiratory parameters using spirometer data (breathing rate, minute ventilation).

Task 6: Urinary System Structure and Function

Objective: Examine the structure, function, and management of the urinary system.

  1. Kidney Function

    • Describe the roles of kidneys in excretion, osmoregulation, and electrolyte balance.
    • Explain the structure and function of nephrons, including processes like ultrafiltration and selective reabsorption.
  2. Regulation and Disorders

    • Discuss hormonal regulation (ADH, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system) and their impact on kidney function.
    • Evaluate treatment methods for kidney diseases, such as dialysis and transplantation.

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